November 30, 2019, oleh: administrator

Solichah Supartiningsih1, Susanto2
Rumah Sakit Sarila Husada Jl. Veteran No. 41 – 43, Kec. Sragen, Jawa Tengah 57211
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Background: Sarila Husada Sragen Hospital is one of the hospitals that provides health services for the people in Sragen and surrounding areas. Sarila Husada Sragen Hospital strives to continuously improve the quality of service without ignoring social functions as a health agency. The purpose of this study was to determine the effect of service quality in terms of the dimensions of appearance / physical evidence on patient satisfaction of Sarila Husada Sragen hospital in Outpatients, To find out the effect of service quality in terms of reliability dimensions on Sarila Husada Sragen hospital patient satisfaction in Outpatients , To determine the effect of service quality in terms of the responsiveness dimension to Sarila Husada Sragen hospital patient satisfaction in Outpatients, To find out the effect of service quality in terms of the certainty / guarantee dimension to Sarila Husada Sragen hospital patient satisfaction in Outpatients, To find out the influence of service quality in terms of empathy dimensions on Sarila Husada Sragen hospital patient satisfaction in Outpatients.

Research methods: This is associative research. The population is all patients who use the services of Sarila Husada Sragen Hospital. The sampling technique is done by non-random sampling with a total sample of 100 respondents. Retrieval of data using a questionnaire. Data analysis uses multiple regression analysis.

Results and Discussion: The results obtained Y = -0,371 X₁ + 0,689 X₂ + 0,082 X₃ + 0,337 X₄ – 0,123 X₅. The equation shows the effect of tangible variables (X₁), reliability (X₂), responsives (X₃), Asurance (X₄), Emphaty (X₅) on patient satisfaction of Sarila Husada Sragen hospital in Outpatients (Y).

Conclusions: Variable appearance / physical evidence, reliability, responsiveness, certainty / assurance, and empathy simultaneously influence the customer satisfaction of Sarila Husada Sragen hospital patients in Outpatients. Variable appearance / physical evidence and certainty / guarantee, partially influence the customer satisfaction of Sarila Husada Sragen hospital patients in Outpatients.

Keywords: Quality of Service, Hospital patient satisfaction

Solichah Supartiningsih